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5 Ways to Keep Your Vitiligo Sun Safe – MicroskinIndia

5 ways to keep your Vitiligo sun safe

What is the prime MANTRA of people who have Vitiligo? Stay away from the sun, no matter what!

Vitiligo is the result of the loss of pigment that produces skin cells, Melanin. Due to the lack of melanin, the patches produced as a result of vitiligo on the skin have no natural protection against the sun rays. Therefore, it is important to protect your skin against sunburn. Exposure to the harsh sunlight should be avoided.

Here are the 5 ways to keep your skin sun safe.

  1. Use sunscreen of SPF 30 or Higher

A broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 and higher is recommended by Dermatologists to vitiligo patients if they step out in the sun. Both UVA and UVB are the rays that are harmful to the skin. SPF measures the effectives of the product against UVB rays and a broad spectrum sunscreen will protect the skin against both UVB and UVA.

Make sure you apply sunscreen all over the sun exposed areas.

  1. Reapply sunscreen often

Sunscreen must be applied early and often. Sunscreen should be applied at least 30 minutes before stepping out in the sun. This way, the skin would have time to absorb the product properly. Next task to reapply it every two hours and only then, it would benefit your skin.

  1. Outdoor time must early morning or late afternoon

According to many studies and researches, the sun’s rays are at its strongest between 10 in the morning and 4 in the evening. Schedule your outdoor activity for the early morning and late evening, so that you are not exposed to the harshest rays of sun.

  1. Wear UPF clothing

UPF stands for ultraviolet protection factor. While SPF in sunscreen only measures the effectiveness of the product against UVB rays, UPF measures the effectiveness of your clothes in protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Today, many brands have specialized in the manufacturing and selling of UPF clothing. Hence, choose the clothing wisely to protect your skin against harmful radiations.

  1. Carry an umbrella with UPF

Umbrella fabric can also be made using UPF material. If you are going to be under the sun for a very long time, an umbrella is one thing that you should carry with you as it offers maximum coverage. Try substituting your standard old umbrella with a new one made of UPF fabric during the summer seasons.

Follow these 5 simple steps and your skin can be kept sun safe.




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