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Can vitiligo cause any delays in your immigration?

People with Vitiligo often get conscious regarding their skin, the clothes they wear, the selfies they click, or how they look. But recently, there has been a common concern if Vitiligo can cause delays in the immigration process. There are countless causes when people with replacement surgeries set off the metal detectors and get searched separately. But, it is relatively recent that Vitiligo is also linked to the same. Have you tried to understand what exactly happens? Well, there’s nothing to worry about. Let’s relate the issues systematically. 

Why is there a problem with the fingerprints?

So, if you are someone with Vitiligo, it must have often happened that you are unable to scan your fingerprints when they ask for the biometric scan. While you are completely fine with the eye scans and images, it becomes quite a ruckus when you need to scan your thumb- because your thumbs refuse to oblige. No matter how much you clean them or use the fragrant wipes on the desk, all efforts go in vain. After a while, you are asked to move to the side-desk where another suspicious officer looks at you with intent eyes, but there’s no cooperation from your thumbs. Have you experienced this? Yes, you are not alone. There’s a high possibility that your Vitiligo is causing the obstruction. 

Finally, the officers look at your passport, punch in your details, smirk, and allow you to go after stressful attempts of finger scans. So, what is this condition called? It is known as adermatoglyphia! 

What is adermatoglyphia? 

Let’s take this slowly. Adermatoglyphia is a rare disorder where the sufferer does not have patterns on their fingers, thumbs, and toes. It is a rare genetic disorder where the sufferer literally has no fingerprints. Before we get into these details, let’s brush up your pre-existing knowledge. Fingerprints are essentially patterned lines on your skin surface that are scanned during a biometric test. Every individual on the planet has a unique fingerprint pattern. In the case of those who are suffering from adermatoglyphia, this is entirely missing. So, how does one develop adermatoglyphia?

Since it is a genetic disorder, it starts right from the womb. Look closely at your fingers and see if you can spot the patterns. In most adermatoglyphia cases, people are born without it, so there’s little you can do. In other cases, these prints may fade over time as you age older. One of the most common problems that people with this condition face is the lack of scanning abilities. As it causes major trouble to those who are traveling abroad or returning home from overseas trips, it is also known as the immigration delay disease.  

A common misconception about the loss of fingerprints

Now that we have discussed so much regarding the loss of fingerprints, it is also important to busy a common misconception. You see, countless people believe that working on a laptop or computer for long hours can lead to a loss of fingerprints. Please note that this holds no scientific evidence. If this was true, then millions across the globe would be affected, and the disease would no longer be termed “rare.” 

The present digital era is such that it requires everyone to be online. Every office works on desktop devices, and it is impossible to now imagine a place where workers function without a laptop screen in front of them. Keeping this in mind, you must always remember that the genetic disease is in no way related to the excess of such devices. It is a proper genetic factor. However, there is still scope for the question regarding age. But then again, age does not completely fade your fingerprints. 

Is there a connection between fading fingerprints and Vitiligo?

Coming to the question that has been bothering you right from the beginning of this article, is there a link between Vitiligo and fading fingerprints? Yes, there is a strong possibility. There has been an instance in the past when a Korean man was able to use fingerprint scanners for several years before he suddenly lost his fingerprints. Now, as creepy as it may sound, it is true. The answer lies in Vitiligo being an auto-immune disease. Thus, it can hamper the finger structures and lead to adverse effects. However, it is not life-threatening, so there is nothing to worry about. 

Another fascinating discovery in this respect is how people with Vitiligo and fading fingerprints are unable to unlock their smartphones with fingerprint scanning. It is not just your finger structures that come into play but also ridges and bends on them that store electrical charges of communication. In the case of a smooth thumb, there is no such ridge of communication. There are other factors, such as perspiration, temperature, and other related neural factors in Vitiligo-affected skin.

What have you learned today?

So, it is quite obvious that there is a link between Vitiligo and delayed immigration. However, it should not affect your travel plans in any way. You must carry your relevant medical documents, in case you need to present them to the authorities. There have been several other such cases, so you are not the only one!

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