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Living with Vitiligo? Regaining Confidence isn’t Far Away Now!

Gain Confidence - living with vitiligo

“Perception defines your quality of life than your possessions.”

The statement stands quite true when it comes to people living with vitiligo. As they say it, your perception of the gift of life and its endowments is what makes you confident and self-assured.

Well, any person suffering from the leucodermal patches carries a love-hate relationship with life. Let’s take a pause here and question this perception once – Is it justified to belittle the only life that you have been gifted with?

Yes, we know the first question to come to your mind would be a ‘why me’. Well, as some questions in life remain unanswered, you still have to make the most of all that you have, with all you can.

So, getting back to the perception you carry, can’t we tweak it to a ‘why not’ from a ‘why’ to make the lives of people living with Leucoderma better? Of course, we can!

If you are someone seeking assurance and optimism amid misery from this skin condition, here are a few ways to boost your confidence. Well, remember it all starts with you and ends with you. Check out!

Only one opinion matters here – Yours!

To be specific, between 1% and 4% of the global population suffers from vitiligo. Yes, it’s not that rare. Yet, it all starts taking the tumbles when the people around impose their opinions of a person being ‘not-so-equal’ due to his/her skin condition.

Well, stop! Your persona is never defined by someone else’s opinion irrespective of your appearance. So, if your confidence was affected because of other people’s opinion, it’s time to rethink.

And then, in the end, all that matters is what opinion you keep of yourself! So, value it before you start considering what others think or believe.

Recheck if you think you don’t feel confident enough!

Let some light be shed here; confidence isn’t always about knowing that you are sufficiently self-assured. Vitiligo often leads people to think a bit less of themselves. Consequent to which, they remain more self-conscious about their appearance than they should. A lingering feeling of low self-esteem results in these people questioning their choices.

Well, if you chose to wear shorts and other comfortable couture when you had your resistances to give in to, that’s confidence speaking for you whether you feel it or not.

So, why not give better thought to how you feel about yourself than question your self-assurance?

It’s already there in you. Recognise, not regain!

Stop limiting yourself to a confidence that is skin-deep

You can’t deny it that beauty or outlook is just another aspect of an individual’s multi-faceted persona, while a lot remains hidden within.

If how Leucoderma made you look led to apprehensive confidence, you are restricting your view to the horizon and a new world that awaits your welcome on the other side.

Time to introspect!

Recognise other aspects of your personality that make you a person. Moreover, get to terms with self-acceptance.

How about this – Vitiligo runs more in your mind than in your body.

And, it stands true when you get affected by how you look more than anything else.

Maybe, embrace yourself for who you are and live every day with a larger-than-life approach?

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