Microskin - Vitiligo Foundation Makeup & Vitiligo Cream
Microskin as a Vitiligo dye
At Microskin, we equip you with creams for different skin conditions. We provide vitiligo foundation makeup & vitiligo cream to cover your patches.
About Vitiligo:
A skin condition that is not a threat to your physical health but can have a big impact on your emotional wellbeing.
What is Vitiligo? What are its symptoms and cause?
The skin consists of cells called melanocytes that are responsible for the production of pigment. When they die or stop producing pigment, the skin develops light patches. Vitiligo is a skin condition in which your own immune system attacks the melanocytes. It may be triggered by Chemical exposure, sunburn, or stress.
Patches usually appear first on areas exposed to the sun – face, lips, hands, arms, and feet. The patches can progress to insides of the nose and mouth, genitals and other parts of the body. Some patients may experience premature whitening of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, and facial hair. Vitiligo can also affect the coloured portion (retina) of the eyes.
What do we do?
If you start seeing a loss of colouring in skin, hair, or eyes, it is important to schedule a visit to the dermatologist. At Microskin, we are associated with India’s leading dermatologists who provide you with the best treatment. Post a thorough diagnosis, we cater you with the vitiligo creams and makeup that befit your needs.
Other Skin conditions

Vitiligo is an acquired destruction of melanocytes resulting in white patches on the skin. Vitiligo may occur at any age, though about 50% present before the age of 20.

Becker’s Naevus
Becker’s Naevus is more common in males and most commonly on the chest, shoulder and upper arms. It is initially flat but may become raised and pigmented and subsequently develop thick coarse hairs.

Burns to the Skin
Tissue damage from excessive heat, electricity, radioactivity, or corrosive chemicals that destroy proteins in the exposed cells is called a burn.

Port Wine Birthmark
The lesion is present at birth and permanent. It is usually purple and is a permanent stain that varies in size.

Epidermal Naevus
Epidermal naevus usually present at birth or arises within the first decade and may increase in size at puberty. It is well-defined brown or yellow raised plaque with a rough warty surface and fissuring.

Spider Naevi
Spider Naevi looks like a spider with radiating legs extending out from a central red body. Found on upper cheeks, nose, and eye areas.

Burns to the Skin
Rosacea is characterised by papules and pustules that occur on the face, often associated with flushing. Rosacea is common in both sexes and can appear at any time.

Psoriasis is a common chronic benign condition of the skin. Psoriasis is often inherited and sometimes associated with disorders of the joints and nails. As with all skin conditions suffers of psoriasis can also suffer from psychological affects and feelings of isolation from being shunned socially.

Contact Dermatitis
Epidermal naevus usually present at birth or arises within the first decade and may increase in size at puberty. It is well-defined brown or yellow raised plaque with a rough warty surface and fissuring.

Hyper Pigmentation
Spider Naevi looks like a spider with radiating legs extending out from a central red body. Found on upper cheeks, nose, and eye areas.

Keloid Scarring
Rosacea is characterised by papules and pustules that occur on the face, often associated with flushing. Rosacea is common in both sexes and can appear at any time.

Hypo Pigmentation
Psoriasis is a common chronic benign condition of the skin. Psoriasis is often inherited and sometimes associated with disorders of the joints and nails. As with all skin conditions suffers of psoriasis can also suffer from psychological affects and feelings of isolation from being shunned socially.