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No more Shame! Accepting Self and Living with Vitiligo

Society, as crude it is, leaves no chance to scowl at a person who has something visibly “abnormal”. The hush-hush on your back when they see your Vitiligo (leucoderma) patches are obnoxious and make your self-esteem drown to a depressing low.

But, come to think about it – is it really that bad?

Is having a non-contagious autoimmune illness which causes certain portions of your Vitiligo skin to de-pigment that much of derogation?


It is not a derogatory thing to have, and one can live a perfect, healthy life with it.

How do you deal with leucoderma?

It is a long term skin problem where growing patches of the skin tend to lose their natural colour. This syndrome can affect anyone at any age. The de-pigmented patches emerge when the melanocytes within your skin die off. These are the ones responsible for producing a natural skin tone that gives your skin its colour and protection from the UV rays of the Sun.

Vitiligo treatment is precisely not possible. But, there are quite a few remedies that can reduce the visibility of such condition of your skin.

  1. Sunscreen:

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, leucoderma needs medical attention. If a patient uses sunscreen, then the lighter patches of the skin which are more prone to get burned easily in the sunlight will remain safe and protected. You can consult a dermatologist who shall recommend you medical sunscreens.

  1. UVB light phototherapy:

Exposing your skin to UVB lamps is a common Vitiligo treatment procedure. You can do it at your home as well by taking the help of a small lamp and using it daily. If you prefer a clinic, you need to visit it twice or thrice a week. Here, the treatment will be a bit longer. In case you have white spots spread over large portions of your body, UVB phototherapy can be a plausible option. This therapy seems to have positive effects.

  1. UVA light phototherapy:

It is generally done in a health care organisation. Here, the patient intakes a drug which enhances his or her skin’s sensitivity to UV rays. After that, the patient undergoes a succession of treatments where the affected skin portion gets exposed to high dosages of UVA.

  1. Camouflaging skin:

If you have a mild version of this syndrome, you can apply topical applications which are waterproof. Dermatological creams act as skin camouflage.

  1. De-pigmenting:

In case the affected portion is widespread, for example, at least 50% of your body, then de-pigmentation is an option you can go for. Here, your natural skin colour gets reduced so that they match with your affected parts. It is attained by applying durable topical lotions.

There is no permanent Vitiligo cure until now. However, if you are embarrassed with your skin condition, then it’s time you throw away the shame.

Honestly, there is no meaning of this, is there?

Being affected by it is nothing to be afraid of. If you want treatment, consult a dermatologist and see what you can do.

Time to embrace yourself!








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